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Built for Marketers & Communications

Supporting employees in work-from-anywhere environments to creatively connect, communicate, and collaborate to build brand and run effective campaigns. 

Employees as brand builders

Sharing the marketing process, messaging, and collaterals in a centralized knowledge hub so all employees can participate in attracting, building, and deepening customer relationships.


Connect passion, activities, and achievement to brand

  • Employees who understand the brand and its reach can see their responsibility through marketing initiatives to connect with future and current customers through their work

  • Relating the larger “why” your company exists consistently through the employee experience platform reiterates how everyone plays a role in achieving success

  • Marketing isn’t just for the marketing team; bridging the gap between vision and everyday activities to attract and support customers through marketing initiatives demonstrates where and how employees can make a bigger difference in brand reputation
Create text page in The Hub

Cultivate internal creativity and communications

  • Break down internal silos and increase interdepartmental collaboration by facilitating high-quality conversations and creative input

  • Broadcast information to specific audiences, streamlining flow for updates, announcements, and important messages while inviting participation and reducing the overall noise of daily messages

  • Develop content quickly using AI-enabled GPT, then use the project board to keep online communication focused on strategies, ideas, and action between and within teams

Encourage curated information sharing

  • Request employees share relevant content on social pages and other approved sites where your brand needs continuously fresh, current content

  • Reward those who contribute to marketing initiatives by sharing curated content as well as offering their ideas on content to build brand

  • Invite employees to identify or even develop targeted content that can support your brand, visibility, and reach
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Get employees invested in campaigns

  • Create common interest groups to foster community, niche communications, and knowledge-sharing around marketing campaigns and initiatives

  • Share campaign strategy, messaging, collateral materials, and approved boilerplate templates for centralized easy access 

  • Ensure message stickiness and excitement through repetition and using various channels like livestream videos, news articles, and podcasts

Add value and fun around marketing

  • Celebrate victories so employees and stakeholders at all levels–as well as customers and others in a larger audience–can recognize and be part of the wins

  • Announce competitions (with prizes) relevant to your brand–and let it go social/viral when it makes sense to attract attention and share the fun

  • Launch a corporate value campaign for all employees to demonstrate their impact in helping satisfy customers; fulfilled employees help create happy, loyal customers

Synthesize messaging and communications

  • Use the Spintr employee experience platform to replace multiple applications, centralizing brand messaging and marketing strategy for clarity and focused momentum

  • Provide a framework for communications and marketing processes to educate employees on best practices and how they can best contribute

  • Optimize all communications by providing a single source of truth for marketing messaging and collateral materials

Marketing specifics

Below are key features that can help you create a collaborative, engaging, supportive work environment for marketers and communications professionals. 

communicate Communicate in real-time

Instant messaging, chat, or collaboration groups facilitate quick communication within teams.

Spintr Module or Feature: Social Flow, Chat, Sub Hubs.

broadcast Broadcast messages

Use the hub to disseminate important company-wide announcements, updates, and news.

Spintr Module or Feature: Blog, Social Flow, News

manage_content Manage content

A central hub for storing and organizing marketing materials, branding guidelines, and other documents.

Spintr Module or Feature: Spintr file directory or Sharepoint

collaborate Collaborate effectively Create project spaces for cross-functional teams or specific projects, for better communication and coordination.

Spintr Mobile or Feature: Spintr sub hubs

share_campaign Share campaign updates

Use Spintr to communicate on upcoming campaigns with real-time updates, progress, and key milestones.

Spintr Mobile or Feature: Social flow, Sub hub, Spintr files or Sharepoint files

survey_insights Survey for insights

Gather feedback and gain insight by assessing employee sentiments through targeted surveys and questions. 

Spintr Module or Feature: Management tools

promote_event Promote internal events

Promote virtual events, such as town hall meetings, webinars, or training sessions. Store all-hands presentations for easy access. 

Spintr Mobile or Feature: Social flow, Sub hub, Spintr files or Sharepoint files

verified Engage with social media

Extend external communications and reach by leveraging employee social media. Share guidelines on employee response to incoming inquiries related to your brand or campaigns.

Spintr Mobile or Feature: Social flow, Sub hub, Spintr files or Sharepoint files

recognize Recognize employees

Showcase employee achievements, milestones, and successes to boost morale and add to company culture. Feature employees who help humanize your brand and build community.

Spintr Mobile or Feature: Celebrate wins (small or big)

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Spintr Mobile Apps

Reach your remote, work-from-anywhere, and field employees with relevant information and communications.

  • IOS/iPhone
  • Android
  • Tablet

Personalize your mobile app using your brand look and feel.

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Your AI-employee 

To support efficiency and productivity as well as the opportunity to start possibility forecasting and trends. Ask your digital employee (AI assistant) to handle answers to employee questions. You can also use generative AI for faster content development.

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Ready to take your employee experience to the next level?